SupplyASAP- Critical Resource Management

Product Concept





Product concept, Business Model
48 hours
UI/UX Designer
Team SupplyASAP-
Supriya Rai, Atharv Mudur, Andrzej Manujło, Aleksandr Kasian, Carlos Jo Loo, Sandra Lam
This project was done as part of the MIT COVID 19 Hackathon conducted by Massachusetts Institute of Technology. A team was formed at the beginning of the hackathon by pooling people from around the world. My role in the team was to design the User interface of our concept. The team consisted of people from various backgrounds like investment banking to machine learning experts. It was a very learning experience and i got to work with very talented and unique people from different parts of the world.


What is Supply ASAP?
It is a predictive P2P procurement platform for the medical industry to unlock surplus and solve shortage.
Why do we need Supply ASAP
Due to the current covid crisis, the imbalence in medical resource ordering and procurement is hurting few communities which are in urgent need of medical supplies. This product aims to regulate flow of medical supplies.


Final Pitch

Here is the final pitch done at the end of the 48 hour hackathon